Inspiration from Making Poetry and Art Together

Posted on May 24, 2023 by Sandy Weisman


photo credits: Olivia Joy St. Claire


This workshop is coming right up!  We would love to have you join us.


Ellen Goldsmith and I really love this workshop! And we feel you will really love this workshop

too! When we get together to plan the day, we talk about the ways we look at art and the way

we read poems. It’s intellectual and emotional. We think about how poetry and art work

in the minds and hearts of the maker and the viewer/reader. For us, they’re cousins.

We enjoy the big questions. How did the poet construct that poem, we wonder, while reading

“Grace” by Joy Harjo? Or what might she be thinking, when looking at an Agnes Martin painting?

There are no ‘right’ answers but rather speculations, feelings, and inspirations that can lead

to poems and artwork.


Why take a workshop? From a group we hear diverse and unexpected views that expand

our experience of another’s work and provide new directions for our own.

In this workshop, we’ll enter a place of curiosity. During the workshop, you’ll read

many poems and look at many artworks for your inspiration. Poets will make poems but

also a collage that grows in some way from the poem. Artists will make art and also use

the artwork to create a poem. We will become a group of artists and poets together!


We welcome you to join us for: The Art of Poetry and the Poetry of Art on Saturday, June10,

from 9:30 am – 4 pm.
