Once again around the sun and here we are. Sunny weather, flowers, nesting birds, and green, green, green. I’m ready to begin a full summer of writing workshops, art making workshops, and more.
I’m wondering why I am so excited this time around? Why I feel so much energy in the start of this season. And I’ve decided it’s about the pandemic and where we are right now.
Yes, I know the new variant has caused a steep rise in cases once again, that people are reluctant to mask up again, that we’re all weary of the disruption and sadness that has accompanied us during the last few years. The pandemic took a lot out of us. Most of us worked hard to stay well, to take good care of our physical and mental health, and that of our friends and neighbors.
So what am I so optimistic about? Summer in Maine is pretty terrific as a rule, but I am finally hopeful that with a little caution we can all be together this year.
I’ve had a terrific time planning workshops this year, knowing that I’ll be teaching with artists I haven’t seen for a while, others I’ve never taught with, or still others who have so much to offer but have had to teach on Zoom. I’m also really excited to teach some new concepts and new techniques. I’ve spent many years working on my own collage work, but I’ve never taught collage. It’s good for me to stretch that way and combining that with writing poetry, which I love. I’ll be joined by Ellen Goldsmith to co-teach, The Art of Poetry and Poetry of Art in July. Link here …
Teresa Piccari will be here to teach a memoir workshop that focuses on looking back to your true essence. Don’t you remember how you felt at 8 years old perhaps running outside in a rain storm in total glee? Who were you then? What authenticity can you bring to bear on your writing now?
My friend Mimi Edmunds has never taught at 26 Split Rock Cove! She is a splendid writer. Why didn’t I ask her to teach before? Well, Mimi has taught at Ermerson College, and at Maine Media for many years. She didn’t need another gig. I’m so happy to have her teaching here now after completing her MFA at Stonecoast, and I cannot wait to not only have her teach her, but to also take her workshop on Memory Evoked by Place. Look for this workshop on my website. link
In August you can find Abbie Read and me teaching Make a Sketchbook, Fill a Sketchbook at 26 Split Rock Cove! We’ll be making two sketchbooks in the morning, and working in then all afternoon. It sounds like so much fun to me – I’d almost rather take it than teach it! I hope you think so to.
The Book Arts Intensive returns the second weekend in September I will be teaching portfolio-making in the Book Arts Intensive, and though I’ve made different versions of portfolios, I am planning to teach making portfolios for different kinds of projects that students might have. That makes my brain work. I’ll be joined by Joelle Webber and Cynthia McGuirl for three packed days days, September 9 – 11. Details and sign-up information to be posted in June.
I’m not much of a beach bum anymore, but walking down to Mussel Ridge Cove from my house is always great, and taking my kayak off from there is fun too. But I really am looking forward to picnic lunches at 26 Split Rock Cove with all of you, and to learning some great new skills.